




It is well known that due to the booming economy and increasing family income, studying abroad has become an increasingly popular choice for students Although studying abroad is often praised by people for its advantages, there are still some disadvantages to be noticed


First of all, to study abroad is expensive Specifically speaking, those involved have to spend a large amount of money on tuition and living expenses, which is not affordable for everyone In addition, to study abroad is a great challenge for those students who lack the ability of living independently If they can not take good care of themselves there, their academic performance will be affected to a large extent 


Last but not least, to study abroad may exercise a negative influence on students’ mentality As we all know, to study abroad equals to stay away from family and friends for a long time, which is likely to produce some psychological problems for those students, such as being solitary and gloomy


From what has been mentioned above, we can easily come to the conclusion that the disadvantages of studying abroad can not be neglected What’s more, those students who are planning to study abroad should make enough preparations for these problems mentioned above Only in this way, can they have a fruitful and successful study life abroad








我在英语学习中遇到了很多困难的英文:I have met many difficulties in learning English

一、met 读法 英 [met]   美 [mɛt]  

v相遇( meet的过去式和过去分词 );相识;开会;接触(某物)


glad to meet you 见到你很高兴

meet for 为…而聚在一起

sports meet 运动会

meet demand 满足要求

meet up 偶然遇到

二、learn 读法 英 [lɜːn]  美 [lɝn] 

vt 学习;得知;认识到

vi 学习;获悉


learn how to learn 学习如何学习

learn by heart 记住;默记;背诵

learn a lesson 受到教训

motivation to learn 学习的动机



1、meet的基本意思是“遇见,碰见”,指来自不同方向的人或物汇集到一起; 也可指为了某人或某事的到来而做好欢迎准备,即“迎接”; 还可指通过某人或某事把两个原本不相识的人联系到一起,即“结识”。引申可指“集会”“答复”“满足”“面临”等。






















I have had many difficulties since I started to learn English Since I e from the south of China, I can not distinguish nasal sounds from non-nasals: they sound exactly the same in my dialect

Thus, I had a hard time telling “night” from “light” at the very beginning My poor memory also added to the difficulties when I decided to enlarge my vocabulary English words were so elusive that I could only remember them for a while

I have spared no efforts to overe the difficulties and finally succeeded In order to tell the slight difference beeen nasal sounds and non-nasals, I forced myself to speak mandarin everyday

Whenever I started to speak English, I reminded myself the difference beeen “night” and “light”

At first I felt it rather unnatural, but as I went on I was gradually accustomed to speaking in this way

As for my wretched memory, I gave up mechanical memorization and tried many other new ways

At last I found a most efficient way for me: memorizing English words by their stems and affixes This is how I have overe some difficulties in learning English



How to Face up to Your Difficulties

Life is not always full of iles and flowers Every person has his own difficulties no matter how high his position or how great his achievement is So it is of vital importance to have a correct attitude to face up to difficulties

Some people feel so dejected about their difficulties that they fall into pessimi ; others resort to putting the blame on others, the society or circumstance; still others are frightened by difficulties and give up halfway All these people don’t use their abilities to overe difficulties So their attitudes are negative

The positive method is to utilize your ability to clear away your difficulties that appear in your way of life rather than run away from them Confront difficulties with joyful energy and enthusia , and you will find the difficulties are really not so hard as they appear and they will disappear in due course


I have had many difficulties since I started to learn English Since I e from the south of China, I can not distinguish nasal sounds from non-nasals: they sound exactly the same in my dialect Thus, I had a hard time telling “night” from “light” at the very beginning My poor memory also added to the difficulties when I decided to enlarge my vocabulary English words were so elusive that I could only remember them for a while

I have spared no efforts to overe the difficulties and finally succeeded In order to tell the slight difference beeen nasal sounds and non-nasals, I forced myself to speak mandarin everyday Whenever I started to speak English, I reminded myself the difference beeen “night” and “light” At first I felt it rather unnatural, but as I went on I was gradually accustomed to speaking in this way As for my wretched memory, I gave up mechanical memorization and tried many other new ways At last I found a most efficient way for me: memorizing English words by their stems and affixes This is how I have overe some difficulties in learning English


We can't have good luck forever,so learning how to face difficulities is important

Some people feel upset when they meet difficulities,and they don't want to try to let their dreams e ture anymore

They just want to find a place and stay at there for a long time

So they won't have a great success in the end

But others are different,some people don't think difficulities are troubles,they believe " Difficulities is the mother of the success'' and "Believe in myself and I will win '',they are confident and

brave,and they choose to face the difficulities with a ile

They try their best to solve their problems and if they don't feel well,they'll talk to their friends or family members,so that they can be happier and more confidentAnd they don't mind what others say about them,they can always find a good way for themselves to relax

I think if you can have a good psychology when you meet difficulities in your life,and be more confident and brave, try to find a good way to relax,maybe talk to others or have a rest,and then think it over,make a plan to solve your problemsIf you do so, you'll find that your difficulities are not as difficult as you think before!


We can't have good luck forever,so learning how to face difficulities is importantSome people feel upset when they meet difficulities,and they don't want to try to let their dreams e ture anymoreThey just want to find a place and stay at there for a long timeSo they won't have a great success in the endBut others are different,some people don't think difficulities are troubles,they believe " Difficulities is the mother of the success''and"Believe in myself and I will win '',they are confident and breave,and they choose to face the difficulities with a ileThey try their best to solve their problems and if they don't feel well,they'll talk to their friends or family members,so that they can be happier and more confidentAnd they don't mind what others say about them,they can always find a good way for themselves to relax

I think if you can have a good psychology when you meet difficulities in your life,and be more confident and breave,

try to find a good way to relax,maybe talk to others or have a rest,and then think it over,make a plan to solve your problemsIf you do so, you'll find that your difficulities are not as difficult as you think before!

写一篇关于 学英语遇到的困难,如何解决困难 的英语作文

From my English studying experience ,I find I have encountered many difficulties These problems are lying in three aspects: my spoken English, my English writing and listening

First of all, the biggest problem is my terrible spoken English, for I have some Chinese accent while I'm municating with others in English I've tried very hard to get rid of it, but the awkard accent just keeps haunting me And what make things worse is that everybody is always laughing at me, which makes me much more nervous while talking in English So one day, i decide i should do something to change this horrible situation I buy lots of CDs of some celebrities' public speaking, and i try to imatate their intonation, accent everyday fortunately, i've made some progress till now My oral English is better, but i still need to work hard to improve it

second, i hate English writing when i try to write things down, my mind bees totally blank i don't know what to talk about i don't know what examples i should take to support my ideas sometimes, when i look at a topic, i even don't know how i can write my thesis statement even if i have my outline, i don't know how to find specific details to fulfill my essay, or how to use vivid words to express my idea i suffer a lot on my writing But one day, i happened to discover a good way to improve my writing skill, which is to keep a journal everyday at first, i still don't know what to talk about but gradually, i have much more to say and the words and the thoughts just spills from my mind

the last problem is my listening ability i couldn't even catch the main idea of the materials, even they're from VOA Special so i listen to one script everyday, and try to write down things that i can catch words by words, sentence by sentence and i download lots of English songs that i can listen to on my way to school or home gradually, it bee much better now, i can even understand VOA Standard

i still need to try hard to get rid of all these problems although it's a tough process i still have the strength and courage to conquer them

(PS: 不排除里面有少量语法及拼写错误,希望LZ能自己检查下,还有你可以适当的把这篇文章改一下,把里面的词换的更生动更多样一些。还有 里面LZ可根据自己的实际情况添加或删改,尤其是时态问题)


I have been learning English for more than 5 years I think learning English just like learning any other language, is hard work so I often spend much time practicing using English every day I listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class Go over what is learnt regularly and finish doing our homework carefullyWhen I am free, I lik listening to English radio programmes, reading English stories and newspapers, watching English films and TV programmesIt's also very helpful for me to keep a diary in English and attend English debbates and speech contests I think I have good ways of learning English But sometimes I find it's difficult for me to write a wonderful position and listening is also very hard So I will read more and listen more so that I can improve my listening and writing very soon


英语作文 如何战胜困难

As a famous saying goes that life is not a bed of roses, we will always encounter difficulties or troubles in our daily lifebut what you should do when we are caught in difficult situations

First we should keep an optimistic attitude

Secondly, we should be clearly aware of our strengths and defects

Thirdly, we should know well about our enemy, the difficulties

Fourthly, when preparation work is ready, next we should put what we have planned into practice step by step

There go several pieces of advice First of all, as a saying said that well begun is half done, so it's better to start from the easiest part of the trouble Then, when we have made some achievements in dealing with the trouble, we can move on to the harder part of it This way of handling trouble will be more effectively

After we conquer each high mountain of troubles, we will not only get new opportunities, but also make more achievements in the adventurous journey of our life


How to face up difficulties

Each person whether rich or poor has his own difficulties, because life is not always full of iles and flowers So it is very important to have a correct attitude to face up the difficulties

Different people have different views on it Some people just want to evade and they haven’t tried their best, so they can’t achieve success in the end But some people believe that “Failure is the mother of success”,they are confident and brave when they have difficulties They choose to face up the difficulties with a ile and try their best to solve their problems If they have troubles they’ll discuss with their friends or family members

The right way to face up difficulties is to be confident and brave , Confront difficulties with confident and you will find the difficulties are not so hard as you thought Try to solve the difficulties with brave and work hard , the difficulties will disappear and you will achieve success finally






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1 坚持学习:保持学习的动力和毅力,每天都花时间学习英语,无论是阅读、听力、口语还是写作。持续的学习会帮助你逐渐克服困难并提高英语技能。

2 多种学习方式:尝试不同的学习方式和资源,如参加课堂培训、观看英语**、听英语广播或播客、阅读英语书籍和文章等。结合多种学习方式可以提高吸收和理解能力。

3 练习口语:通过与英语母语人士交流,或参与语言交换活动,练习口语表达。不要害怕出错,相信自己的实践能力,并从错误中学习。

4 创造语言环境:将英语融入你的日常生活中,例如使用英语标记物品、阅读英文新闻、看英语电视节目等。创建一个用英语沟通的环境,可以帮助你提高语感和语言的自然运用。

5 精通基础知识:巩固英语的基础知识,如语法、词汇和常用短语。良好的基础将为更高级的学习奠定坚实的基础。

6 制定计划和目标:制定学习计划,并设定可量化的目标。将学习目标分解成小的、可管理的任务,这样可以更容易追踪进度并保持动力。

7 寻求帮助:如果遇到困难,不要犹豫寻求帮助。可以寻求老师、同学或英语学习社区的支持和建议。有人指导和鼓励,可以更快地克服困难。

8 保持积极心态:相信自己的能力,不要灰心丧志。学习英语是一个长期的过程,持续努力并相信自己的进步。

