求个英语高手帮我翻译一下!我是船厂工作的 ~~谢谢啦!


求个英语高手帮我翻译一下!我是船厂工作的 ~~谢谢啦!,第1张


肋框、横梁下料、组装和校正:Rib box beam cutting, assembly and calibration

主船体分段组装、调装合拢和校正:Sub-assembly of the main hull, closure and transfer equipment calibration

主甲板及上甲板下料安装:Under the main deck and upper deck material installation

上建分段下料、组装、调装合拢及校正:Under section on building materials, assembly, adjustment and calibration equipment shut

壁板下料、安装及校正:Panel cutting, installation and calibration

部分舾装件安装:Part of the installation of outfitting items

船舱内管道下料、安装:Pipeline under the cabin materials, the installation


I have been working on Rib box beam cutting, assembly and calibration

;Sub-assembly of the main hull, closure and transfer equipment calibration;Under the main deck and upper deck material installation

;Under section on building materials, assembly, adjustment and calibration equipment shut;Panel cutting, installation and calibration

;Part of the installation of outfitting items and so onAnd now,I am ready to study Pipeline under the cabin materials, the installation




《读音》paipurain osen kanshi sōchi



《读音》duyiaiki kanshi sōchi



《读音》kanshi kiki



《读音》kōsei shiken ki



《读音》dengen bokkusu shirīzu



《读音》sanpuringu chūbu



《读音》ponpu sanpuringu


古书   [gǔ shū] [古书]基本解释






晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·钧世》:“然古书者虽多,未必尽美。” 宋 曾巩 《<列女传目录>序》:“自 唐 之乱,古书之在者少矣。” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“桌上有一盆佛手……两三本古书。”亦专指经史之外的古代著作。 明 胡应麟 《少室山房笔丛·经籍会通二·述类例》:“书作于经史间,而非经史可附者,概曰古书。”


唐 张怀瓘 《书断上·八分》:“既言古书,岂得称隶。”


元 虞集 《题吾子行小篆卷后》:“丹书所载,器亡文存,所尤可思者,古书之不可复见也。”


古书的读音是gǔshū,英文是[grey record;ancient books],含义是 古代的著作。 更多→ 古书


Ancient books

[古书]近义词 旧书 [古书]反义词 新书 [古书]相关词语 旧书 竹简 孤本 刻本 书籍 抄本 国学 古籍 新书 善本 兵书 山海经 [古书]相关搜寻 乱点古书

"The Analects of Confucius"

"Book of Changes"



兵书战策 Art of war war policy

二十五史Twenty-five Histories


菜根谭Cai Gen Tan


Review history, times are key links Will it be May 1996, since " Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties division of history into periods project " start, times study , study circle became the hot issue moreover in historiography, and study the literature, astronomy , archaeology , paleography with science and technology examine discipline such as being annual combine together , solve times knowledge question become time learn the direction of development of the research approach too Because to store in " Historical Records · six country chronological table ", the Warring States annual discipline have But " Historical Records · six country chronological table " with other table of contents discord of " Historical Records " , have scholar correct " Historical Records " with " discipline annual " sometimes, wade more for Three Jins , neat , swallow pedigree times, scarely have and Qin person, reason its lie in state of Qin in " whether discipline annual " historical data very few I analyze think it is foundation that discipline study every year , duke under an emperor of the Warring States , for state of Qin not to annual discipline have, state of Qin annual to have falsehood discipline have, must influence other kingdom result that discipline correct every year In view of this, I use , study literature study , astronomy , archaeology , paleography ,etc knowledge of discipline mourn to Qin common to further investigate to 17 state of Qin discipline of monarch , Emperor of beginning , every year, criticize of a text one by one to doubtful point its , make annual , correct annual falsehood , discipline of state of Qin , in the " Historical Records · six country chronological table " in batches In the course of missing in the school, I carry on science to annotate to the astronomical phenomena term recorded in the ancient book again at first, use accuracy higher astronomical phenomena demonstrate software have 9 solar eclipse and one lunar eclipse of historical records confirm respectively to the Warring States era, extrapolate and only solve solar eclipse six times , a lunar eclipse and Confucianism with solar eclipse three times of possibility and slightly go through date Based on this, synthesize the textual criticism of the literature to the relevant literature handed down from ancient times and study archaeology, the calendar key element that it is correct to be set off by, has obtained the solving bestly of time on the throne of past dynasties monarch in state of Qin of the Warring States era, can prepare against and study the history , repair the history to join the ancient bronze mirror

This text day, lunar eclipse and calendar calculate applying to annual accuracy , discipline of state of Qin , , era of the Warring States , make the annual method systematic, have not seen first in the literature work that the author knows, this method improved science and credibility herein greatly , its conclusion can be as further studying the annual and even whole foundation that study of the pre-Qin period of the Warring States' disciplines of other dukes under an emperor, scientific development studying in accuracy and history helping the historical discipline to be annual Keyword: <>; " the discipline is annual "; Solar eclipse; Dark on daytime ; Chuan Hsu goes through
