


问题一:"致力于"用英文怎么说 致力于: 1 mit oneself to 2 hammer at 3 take up with 4 apply oneself to 5 bend oneself to Relative explainations: Examples: 1 他现在认真地致力于这项工作了。 Now he applied himself to the job in earnest 2 他致力于哲学研究。 He devoted himself in philosophical study 3 她毕生致力于科学。 She dedicated her life to science 4 该协会致力于推动世界和平事业。 The society was dedicated to furthering the cause of world peace 5 他致力于学英语。 He mitted himself to studying English 致力于写作 turn one's hand to writing 致力于工作 to give oneself over to one's work 她致力于音乐 She turned herself to music 专心致力于某事 give undivided attention to sth 致力于他们的事务 attended to their business 致力于出售债券; a drive to sell bonds; 从事于,致力于 Work at 致力于搞技术革新 Go in for technical innovations 专心致力于某事 Give undivided attention to sth 致力于他们的事务 Attended to their business


问题二:"致力于"用英文怎么说 致力于:

1 mit oneself to

2 hammer at

3 take up with

4 apply oneself to

5 bend oneself to

Relative explainations:


1 他现在认真地致力于这项工作了。

Now he applied himself to the job in earnest

2 他致力于哲学研究。

He devoted himself in philosophical study

3 她毕生致力于科学。

She dedicated her life to science

4 该协会致力于推恭世界和平事业。

The society was dedicated to furthering the cause of world peace

5 他致力于学英语。

He mitted himself to studying English


turn one's hand to writing


to give oneself over to one's work


She turned herself to music


give undivided attention to sth


attended to their business


a drive to sell bonds;


Work at


Go in for technical innovations


Give undivided attention to sth


Attended to their business

问题三:世界和平英文怎么说。 (1)world peace

(2)the peace in the world

问题四:我打开IE很正常运行,可为什么登入QQ呈离现状态? 20分 首先看看你的电脑能不能上网,不要打开IE是正常的,有些系统是自动保存网页的,如果真能上网,你就把QQ重新上线,看看能不能上去,在看看的QQ设置代理了没有如果真的一切正常,那我也不知道了要不删了QQ重新安装 ,呵呵

问题五:人们称诺贝尔是一个致力于和平事业得人和一个富有爱心的人英文翻译 It is said that Nobel is a benevolent man who devoted himself to world peace


问题六:有关和平的英语精美语句 Let us take as our goal: where peace is unknown, make it wele; where peace is fragile, make it strong; where peace is temporary, make it permanent (Richard Milhous Nixon)



1 名词 和平;和平时期

They are promoting a peace campaign


The UN maintains troops in many regions to keep peace


2 名词 和约;停战协定

3 名词 安宁;平安;治安

4 名词 和睦;和好

5 名词 (心情)平静;安详[全称peace of mind心情平静]

In the end, what is necessary is to make sure that peace and calm is restored


Buddhist practice and faith involves finding inner peace and calm


6 名词 静;寂静;安静

Living here in the country, you can feel peace and tranquility


7 不及物动词 [除祈使语气外废]安静下来

The peaceful liberation of Peking

January 31, 1949, Chinese revolutionary in the history of this memorable day Ru Cheng held a ceremony of the People's Liberation Army - stationed in Peking, the country's liberation war is extremely important historical significance This is not only the credit for the People's Liberation Army, an important figure we should not forget that he is in Beijing at the time of Shoucheng generals - Fu Zuoyi It is precisely because of his life and death of the Chinese nation, made a crucial decision: accept the "peaceful liberation of Peking on the agreement" He put the response to the Communist Party of China to "stop the civil war and peaceful reunification," the idea, decided to hold Peking peaceful uprising led troops so that the ancient culture intact ancient capital to return to the people, 2 million people's lives and property from Bingxian This Yi Ju of China's victory in the cause of revolution, made a significant contribution


问题一:"致力于"用英文怎么说 致力于: 1 mit oneself to 2 hammer at 3 take up with 4 apply oneself to 5 bend on...