


There are kinds of method to celebrate a birthday in China The most popular one is birthday party Frends and family will send presents with best regards, then eat birthday feast For example, on mother's birthday, the children will send flowers or special presents to thank mother for giving lifes


What should I look forward to What should I give up


DIY剪纸 Paper cutting,do-it-yourself


Wish you happiness, prosperity in the chinese lunar dog's year

Every thing goes as you wish!

中国民间剪纸有悠久的历史,以"千剪不落、万剪不 断"的风格,闻名中外。

With a very long history, chinese folk paper-cutting is famous in and out of China for its style of "the paper won't fall off after a thousand cuts, and won't break after ten thousand cuts"


Only with a piece of paper, a pair of scissors, people can cut out a beautiful and delicate figure in several minutes


Imaginations could be expressed in a all peice of paper, and it gives us a vivid world That's exactly the charm of it


Do you want to make a folk paper cutting with your own design, and your own features by yourself


Would you like to give your family, friends, and your hu and or wife, an unique gift


or do you want to relax with your family in DIY , to enjoy the fun of DIY, and excersize your mind as well as giving a balanced development of your left and right brains

民俗剪纸已成为城市 DIY 一族的新宠!把心情融进方寸之间,用双手创造属于自己的经典!

Folk paper cutting is favored by many uraban DIY fans!

You can put your feelings into it, and cut out your own classic with your own hands

送给你最爱的人,美化你的家、你周围的环境,就在今天… …

and give it to the people you love, or use it decorate your house, your living spaces,


preparation : a pair of scissors, a pencil, an eraser, double side adhesive tape


How to start:pick your favorite pattern models,Keep in mind that all the closed line will be cut off


when the design is finished, picture the pattern in you mind, and modify anything that you don't like


May you suceed, it's easier to see than to do , so prepare yourself!


If we are bound by fate, we will be someday e together


1 The evening party yesterday was suessful

2 He has left his hometown for about 20 years

3 Ten years is a very long period of time

5 The field is covered with white snow

6 Please hide his death from his mother

7 If I took his advice, I wouldn't be making this mistake

8 The number of students in our school has increased to more than 2000

9 As a student, we should make good use of our time

10 We should finish what should be finished today

11 Tom cannot go to the party, he has to prepare for the chemistry exam




中英文翻译 高手帮忙 急!




Postal enterprises classified as service industries, has a century long history, officials and busines en operating style deeply rooted in blind pursuit of large and all but everything is不求人, do not pay attention to specialized division of labor


Factors of production can not see the distribution of the whole society and the relationship to meet at the gains and acplishments, or Yikongzhixian to meet the "little progress every year, do not earn much food to eat"


This closed-end management and market petition inpatible with the new system, not break it, and postal enterprises at any time the risk of deterioration


Top priority is to enable business leaders to establish an open business concept, vision from the large and all and plete the self-transfer, projected onto the financial markets, the talent market, capital goods markets, technology markets, modity markets, consignment market economy on the marine and use by chicken-, a borrowed boat, by people singing, and to borrow money make money on open operating means, to achieve the initiative of market petition, which is to invigorate the postal business, the revitalization of an important part of postal enterprises



By association通过联想,交流


用作复数的 proceeds 表示从某种活动获取的收入。Proceeds from this charity shop 意思是 “销售廉价二手商品的慈善商店所得的收入”,所以整句可以翻译为 “他开办慈善商店的收益都捐赠给了癌症患者”。

易和记得那个: 贡献极限可以改变在附近状态 税优势可以改变从国家到状态和可以取决于是否国家那的投资者存在一居民赞助计划 费用和开支在被同样的状态所提供的各种各样计划中间按照状态和常常改变 投资选择余地从更-高-风险股票基金到将包含股票和对保守党人债券,短期的基金基金混合在一起不等 使正好在中细节进入你的长期财政计划花费时间和广阔研究常常在矮小供应为年轻人身上时代周刊存在做的父亲 那样,考虑找到一使你的未来牢固的计划财政的顾问作为你的的一部分大约75%的美国没有一位尽管显而易见好处财政顾问与此同时没有一个财政顾问的那些有代表大约105%他们的年度收入公事包,Beckmann说租借的平均起来代表362%的一赞成富人公事包的他们的年度收入的那些 反而,绝大部分夫妻关于他们将怎样在一意想不到工作丢失,主要疾病或者主要国内修复以后包括开支对他们的财政情况和苦恼持一只蠕虫的眼睛看法 Beckmann说绝大部分美国人采取一个万事不求人的对财政计划编制的处理方法一被AG Edwards进行调查发现与此同时169%信赖一个财政顾问和162%信赖一父母或者祖父,35%信任他们自己做出聪明财政决定令人吃惊,仅14%选择他们的是一坚实的来源为信息配偶和更多与男人挑选他们的配偶相比妇女 有给家庭财政小费很多因特网地点包含AG Edwards和儿子,T Rowe普赖斯,美林,古德曼Sachs和摩根-斯坦利主要银行也给予坚实的包含富国银行信息,JPMorgan Chase,美洲和花旗集团的银行 调查强调搁置财政问题和公开和完全讨论他们的重要性Beckmann说:"知识存在建立通过通讯"开放和经常讨论谷仓信任在咨询一个能提供目标和积极的忠告的财政顾问之前,夫妻能彼此通过经常说话和分担一些财政目标取得那个


There are kinds of method to celebrate a birthday in China The most popular one is birthday party Frends and f...