


In 1923, tsinghua university, interest in reading of the liang sicheng art He considered to study in the United States, but no decision learn anything At that moment, from Europe to recommend returning LinHuiYin for their architecture She said: "the western classical architecture inspired me, that I am filled with desire to bring some home We need to make a hundred immortal architectural theory construction!" Hence two people meet test-taker number Thus, an architecture art and engineering, became their lifelong career

One day, liang sicheng LinHuiYin and received a package from the motherland, the song dynasty is an ancient building ", the author li commandment This is a book of the northern song dynasty, official architectural design manual and buildings like the technical specification, had no man books can understand Liang sicheng on their own knowledge, this is the gobbledygook unique architectural language in western and system, may be the key to open the Chinese architecture

Books are the father of liang sicheng, liang qichao and found the building of this book was printed manuscripts and ZhuQi bells, liang qichao's friend, he later created the first study of Chinese ancient Chinese academic institutions, build society -

Liang sicheng LinHuiYin and learn homecoming, with "create French" to shenyang, in the northeast university as a principal chang established architecture But the September 18th incident, "they just started the interruption Hence, liang sicheng join ", "China construction society of the French research focused on building

Liang sicheng LinHuiYin and the wedding is carefully choosing, it is the author of "building the birthday; lee, And their son named LiangCongJie, and li commandment Say "build" this has become a French life affects liang sicheng a force

Then, by way of the field investigation liang sicheng, in a nationwide survey of ancient He heard someone saw a photograph, and ancient ShunTengMoGua, bus bumped into a small town with a long, finally found a majestic building, it is the earliest extant in China, was founded in 152 Accordingly, he published the first Chinese ancient science report: "jixian terraces of GuanYinGe temple stand

Hebei folk tunes "small cattle in zhaoxian county sing:" a wooden bridge, the tower" Liang sicheng, since the bridge in zhaoxian county to the wooden tower, it shouldn't fictitiousing zero He was found on so!

In the hinterland of hardships is liang sicheng unbelievable, but we can realize he turns exciting moments TaPoTieXie, "at dusk, I suddenly saw in the dark purple background a flash of gem -- that is near the mountains around a red-and-white pagoda reflects the golden sunset"

Liang sicheng even unarmed climb 10 meters high, thousands of DaCha root bridge, he finished the China's earliest existing fu-gong temple of all the surveying and mapping work

回答者: ttgttgttg - 经理 五级 2-18 16:10










In 1923, at Tsinghua University to study art-loving Sicheng soon graduated Him to take into account the United States to study, but not yet decided what school At this time Lin returned from Europe to recommend him building his own enthusiasm She said: "Western classical architecture inspired me to be filled with the desire to take some home We need to make a building a hundred years of architectural theory immortal!" So two people meet together to study the United States In this way, art and architecture works together, has become their life-long career

One day, Liang and Lin received a parcel from the homeland, are wrapped inside an ancient Song Dynasty "to create a French", author叫李commandment This is an official set out in the Northern Song Dynasty, similar to the architectural design of manuals and technical specifications of the building monographs, then no person can read Sicheng custody by virtue of their own learning experience, which implied the hieroglyphics are different and unique architecture of Western language and system, it is possible to open the Chinese are building a history of a key

Sicheng books are sent by the father of Liang Chi-chao, and found that "to create a French" manuscripts and published the book朱启钤, Liang Chi-chao are friends, he later founded China's first study of the ancient building of academic institutions, - to create a Society of China

Sicheng and Lin Huiyin Xuecheng returned with a "create a French" go in Shenyang, in northeast Zhang served as the principal founder of the University Department of Architecture However, "September 18" Incident interrupt their career has just begun Thus, Sicheng add "China Society to create", to concentrate on research "to create the French"

Sicheng and Lin Huiyin wedding are carefully selected, the day is "to create a French" author Lee's birthday commandment; and their son named Liang Congjie is also related to Lee commandment It can be said that "to create a French" at this time has become a Sicheng a force of life

Then, Sicheng way to field trips, a nationwide survey the ancient building He heard that someone had seen an ancient building photos, then allows for deeper investigation, a long bumpy ride to a small county, finally found a towering building, which is the earliest existing Chinese pavilion, built in the year AD 984 Accordingly, he published China's first ancient building scientific reports: "独乐寺Jixian Guanyinge Shanmen test"

Hebei civil Minor "small cattle" in the sentence has to sing: "赵县the bridge, the tower should be the county" Sicheng think, now that the bridge赵县true, then should not the county's non-existent tower He accordingly found Yingxian Wooden Tower!

Sicheng in rural hardships are unimaginable, but we can appreciate him踏破iron shoes, and winding paths of the exciting moment: "the evening, I suddenly saw the dark purple background has a flash of precious stones - that are in the vicinity of mountains in a red and white reflecting the golden pagoda sunset "

Sicheng even climbing on hand are more than 10 meters high塔刹, surveying the thousands of rootless梁架brackets to complete the earliest existing Wooden Pagoda in China of all survey and mapping work

回答者: 晴子の爱 - 见习魔法师 二级 2-18 18:51

In 1923, at Tsinghua University to study art-loving Sicheng soon graduated Him to take into account the United States to study, but not yet decided what school At this time Lin returned from Europe to recommend him building his own enthusiasm She said: "Western classical architecture inspired me to be filled with the desire to take some home We need to make a building a hundred years of architectural theory immortal!" So two people meet together to study the United States In this way, art and architecture works together, has become their life-long career

One day, Liang and Lin received a parcel from the homeland, are wrapped inside an ancient Song Dynasty "to create a French", author叫李commandment This is an official set out in the Northern Song Dynasty, similar to the architectural design of manuals and technical specifications of the building monographs, then no person can read Sicheng custody by virtue of their own learning experience, which implied the hieroglyphics are different and unique architecture of Western language and system, it is possible to open the Chinese are building a history of a key

Sicheng books are sent by the father of Liang Chi-chao, and found that "to create a French" manuscripts and published the book朱启钤, Liang Chi-chao are friends, he later founded China's first study of the ancient building of academic institutions, - to create a Society of China Sicheng and Lin Huiyin Xuecheng returned with a "create a French" go in Shenyang, in northeast Zhang served as the principal founder of the University Department of Architecture However, "September 18" Incident interrupt their career has just begun Thus, Sicheng add "China Society to create", to concentrate on research "to create the French"

Sicheng and Lin Huiyin wedding are carefully selected, the day is "to create a French" author Lee's birthday commandment; and their son named Liang Congjie is also related to Lee commandment It can be said that "to create a French" at this time has become a Sicheng a force of life Then, Sicheng way to field trips, a nationwide survey the ancient building He heard that someone had seen an ancient building photos, then allows for deeper investigation, a long bumpy ride to a small county, finally found a towering building, which is the earliest existing Chinese pavilion, built in the year AD 984 Accordingly, he published China's first scientific report of the ancient architectureJixian Guanyinge Shanmen test"

Hebei civil Minor "small cattle" in the sentence has to sing: "the bridge, the tower should be the county" Sicheng think, now that the bridgetrue, then should not the county's non-existent tower He accordingly found Yingxian Wooden Tower!

: "At dusk, I suddenly saw the dark purple background has a flash of precious stones - that are in the nearby mountains in a red and white reflecting the golden pagoda sunset" Sicheng and even bare hands to climb on more than 10 meters high, surveying the thousands of rootless brackets to complete the earliest existing Wooden Pagoda in China of all survey and mapping work











Lu Xun or Lu Hsün (September 25, 1881 – October 19, 1936), the pen name of Zhou Shuren (周树人), 

has been considered one of the most influential Chinese writers of the 20th century 

and the founder of modern baihua (白话 báihuà), or vernacular, literature 

Highly influential in 20th century Chinese history, 

his literary works exerted a substantial influence after the May Fourth Movement He was also a noted translator









《典籍里的中国》(英语:China in Classics)是中央广播电视总台中国中央电视台综合频道和央视创造传媒合作制作的一款大型文化节目,由撒贝宁和王嘉宁主持。


节目设立“历史空间”、“现实空间”两大舞台创新节目形态,在历史空间中采用影视化拍摄手法,对典籍的故事进行可视化呈现 。












载《社会史国际评论》,英文版1978年第XX II卷。


蓝本   [lán běn] [蓝本]基本解释




明 沉德符 《敝帚轩剩语·录旧文》:“科塲帖括,蹈袭成风,即前辈名家垂世者,亦闲有蓝本。” 清 钱大昕 《十驾斋养新录·傅奕诋浮图法》:“ 唐 傅奕 上疏诋浮图……此 韩退之 《佛骨表》之蓝本也。” 冰心 《寄小读者》二三:“要编制歌曲,供小孩的戏唱,也有数不尽的古诗,古文,古词为蓝本。”


蓝本,原是古籍版本的一种形式。现指著作所根据的底本,多用于书面语。 更多→ 蓝本


chief source of writing; original version of a work

[蓝本]近义词 原本 底本 [蓝本]反义词 副本 印本 [蓝本]相关词语 底本 原本 副本 印本 蚍蜉 蓝缕 雏形








  新华网北京4月17日电(记者张菁 钱荣)中外专家今天在北京呼吁人类共享散存于全球各地的《永乐大典》——世界上最早、最宏伟的百科全书。

























现代狼人的崇拜来源于一个拉丁单词 单词的大意是没有信仰死后复活不朽的狂人,直译成英语就是狼人。这是现代狼人最早的形容词,不过这个单词后来用来形容吸血鬼。罗马尼亚是狼人和吸血鬼的故乡,他们的传说先后由此开始。吸血鬼是欧洲人建立了基本政权和社会才开始有吸血鬼这种说法的。吸血鬼的起源,可以追溯到“狼人”一词。17世纪末,“狼人”可以变成吸血鬼的传说开始出现。18世纪,欧洲开始出现关于吸血鬼案例的官方报告。据说,1725年,在一份关于吸血鬼的报告中,第一次出现了“吸血鬼”一词。所以狼人传说几乎与记载下来的历史一样古老,它以各种形式出现在西方故事中,成为神秘故事和文化典籍里不可缺少的元素。 如在《古代波希米亚大词典》中。但没有像吸血鬼那样的专门记载。

盖尔·恩多莱写于1933年的一本名为《巴黎狼人》的小说。狼人文学最初作为漫画形式,诞生于1974年10月的《HULK》杂志。 在十四世纪时,才出现血族圣经《book of nod》。
