


中文名 家鹅

拉丁名 Anser cygnoides orientalis

命名人 Linnaeus


形态描述 家鹅大致分中国鹅和欧洲鹅两个系统,欧洲鹅起源灰雁Anser anser (Linnaeus),中国鹅是由鸿雁驯养而成。中国鹅起源于东北,在《尔雅》里有记载,远在四千年前就已饲养,是一个很古老的鹅种。我国家鹅的品种比较单纯,直到现在有灰、白二种,近年来又培育出了优良品种,如狮头鹅等。




生态资料 鹅为水禽,善在水中生活。群性强,性很勇敢,喜斗。遇人或其他动物时,常头向前下方伸,张开两翅用嘴喙击而无所顾忌。听觉灵敏,鸣声宏大,又好相应和。



地理分布 我国各省均有饲养。




药材 鹅油为家鹅的脂肪。冬季杀鹅,去毛及内脏,剥取脂肪,炼油。

应用 有清热解毒、润肤的功能。主治痈疮肿毒、手足皲裂。外用适量。

备注 鹅涎水:治麦芒、鱼刺着咽中不下。鹅胆汁:含水分80%、干物质20%,其中胆色素258%、磷脂036%、脂肪酸036%、无机盐21%。又谓胆汁中含胆酸、鹅胆酸和牛磺酸。可涂痔疮。鹅毛:烧灰,治小儿惊痫有效。



,父为太常博士。曾巩天资聪慧,记忆力非常强,幼时读诗书,脱口能吟诵,与兄长曾晔一道,勤学苦读,自幼就表现出良好的天赋。史称巩“十二岁能文,语已惊人”。其弟曾肇在《亡兄行状》中称其“生而警敏,不类童子”,而且记忆力超群,“读书数万言,脱口辄诵”。18岁时,赴京赶考,与随父在京的王安石相识,并结成挚友。20岁入太学,上书欧阳修并献《时务策》。欧阳修见其文笔独特,非常赏识。欧阳修说:“过吾门者百千人,独于得生为喜。”(《上欧阳学士第二书》)自此名闻天下,但因其擅长策论,轻于应举时文,故屡试不第。庆历七年(1047),其父去世,其身为次子(其上尚有一兄长),只好辍学回归故里,尽心侍奉继母。曾巩少年时与王安石为密友,登欧阳修之门以后,就向欧阳修推荐了王安石。直至嘉佑二年(1057),欧阳修主持会试,坚持以古文、策论为主,诗赋为辅命题,曾巩才与其弟曾牟、曾布及堂弟曾阜一同登进士第。 嘉佑四年(1059),任太平州(今安徽当涂县)司法参军,以明习律令,量刑适当而闻名。五年,由欧阳修举荐到京师当馆阁校勘、集贤校理,理校出《战国策》、《说苑》、《新序》、《梁书》、《陈书》、《唐令》、《李太白集》、《鲍溶诗集》和《列女传》等大量古籍,对历代图书作了很多整理工作,并撰写了大量序文。 曾巩

熙宁二年(1069),任《宋英宗实录》检讨,不久被外放越州(今浙江绍兴)通判。熙宁五年后,历任齐州、襄州、洪州、福州、明州、亳州等知州。为政廉洁奉公,勤于政事,关心民生疾苦。他根据王安石的新法宗旨,结合实际情况加以实施。致力于平反冤狱、维护治安、打击豪强、救灾防疫、疏河架桥、设置驿馆、修缮城池、兴办学校、削减公文、整顿吏治、废除苛捐杂税,深受群众拥戴。 元丰三年(1080),改任沧州(今河北)知州,途经京城开封时,宋神宗召见。宋神宗对其“节约为理财之要”的建议大为赞赏,留任为三班院勾判。元丰四年,朝廷认为“曾巩史学见称士类,宜典五朝史事”,任为史官修撰,管勾编修院,判太常寺兼礼仪事。元丰五年,拜中书舍人。同年九月,遭母丧,去官。次年,病逝于江宁府(今南京)。后葬于南丰源头崇觉寺右。南宋理宗时追谥为“文定”,人称“南丰先生

曾巩 self-proclaimed "family Confucian" (曾巩 "OuYangXueShi first book"), grandfather did ya-men revenue)

Too often, the father for dr 曾巩 talent intelligence, memory is very strong, read literature, youth, recites mouthed CengYe together with brother, from his youth, diligent and cram show good talent S said gong "twelve years old can wen, language has been amazing" His brother in the deceased brother CengZhao HangZhuang "says its" born to p sensitive, no class the boy, "and," super memory read tens of thousands of words, struggled to recite "USES At 18, descend to Beijing, and the father of wang anshi met in Beijing, and formed close friends 20 annual revenues TaiXue proclaiming, ouyang xiu and offer the reformation strategy " Ouyang xiu saw its style of writing is unique, very appreciated Ouyang xiu said: "after my door, alone in the 100 thousand people live for pleased" (the second book) on OuYangXueShi since the world famous, but because of its good at CeLun, lighter than YingJu composition, reason often try to scrub Qingli periods emphatically seven years (1047), his father 's death, its as the second (are still a brother), had to drop out returning home, trying to serve stepmother 曾巩 young with wang anshi for close friends, ascend OuYangXiuZhi door later, to ouyang xiu recommended wang anshi Until jia bestowed two years (1057), ouyang xiu presided try, adhere to the ancient prose, CeLun primarily, ShiFu complementary proposition, 曾巩才 and his brother have seeks, CengBu and CengFu a jinshi reach first cousin Jia bestowed four years (1059), ren taiping states (now anhui DangTuXian) to join the army, judicial Ming acquisition regulation, is famous for its appropriate sentencing Five years, by ouyang xiu to commend matriculating when guan ge collating, jixian school Daniel, Richard school out the war policy ", "said garden", "new sequence", "beam book", "Chen book", "tang make", "LiTaiBai set", "BaoRong poetry anthology" and "column female biography of past dynasties ancient books, such as large book made a lot of finishing work and write a lot of preface 曾巩

XiNing two years (1069), as the SongYing Pope records of outside, a review was soon put yue state (now zhejiang shaoxing) tong convicted Five years later, XiNing successive JiZhou, XiangZhou, HongZhou, fuzhou, Minnesota, bozhou etc year Compiling contempary China, is industrious, caring people's livelihood suppressed suffering Wang anshi's new aim according to his, combined with actual situation to implement them Committed to rehabilitate the official, maintain public security, blow conference contender, relief epidemic prevention, dredging river bridge, the setting of the yi hall, repair the city, setting up the school, cut the official document, rectify bureaucracy, abolish exorbitant taxes and levies and popular by the masses YuanFeng three years (108), GaiRen cangzhou (now hebei) year, busci kaifeng city, the song dynasty god Pope summoned Song god for its "save as the Pope money to" proposal sang high praise, office as the class three court sentenced hook YuanFeng four years, court thinks "reputation and 曾巩 historiography, appropriate cult of five toward both," writes sayshe historiographer repair, tube hook editing courtyard, convicted too often temple and etiquette YuanFeng five years, worship the book shed person In the same year in September, by his mother, mourning to officer The following year, died in the jiangning mansion (nanjing) today Recoverying the source was right Chung sleep temple South Shi when chased idealist philosophy of Pope for "wen set", called "recoverying sir

