史书 [shǐ shū]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么?
史书 [shǐ shū] [史书]基本解释
[史书]详细解释汉 称令史所习之书,即当时通用的隶书。
《汉书·元帝纪赞》:“ 元帝 多材艺,善史书。”按, 颜师古 注引 应劭 谓指 史籀 所作大篆,非是。参阅 清 钱大昕 《三史拾遗·元帝纪》。
晋 杜预 《<春秋经传集解>序》:“ 周公 之垂法,史书之旧章。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·因习》:“况史书者,记事之言耳。” 章炳麟 《论式》:“斯岂非崇信文集,异视史书之过哉!”
史书指古籍中专门记载历史的书,在四库分类之中就是史部。早期的史书都是以编年史的形式存在,晋朝太康年间汲冢出土的《竹书纪年》也是编年体。东汉末年,荀悦撰成《汉纪》,开创了编年体的断代史。 更多→ 史书
[史书]近义词 史册 史籍 汗青 史乘 [史书]相关词语 史记 史册 春秋 史乘 汗青 史籍 汉书 历史 后汉书 水经注 四库全书 中国通史 [史书]相关搜寻 史()()书 讲史书
Review history, times are key links Will it be May 1996, since " Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties division of history into periods project " start, times study , study circle became the hot issue moreover in historiography, and study the literature, astronomy , archaeology , paleography with science and technology examine discipline such as being annual combine together , solve times knowledge question become time learn the direction of development of the research approach too Because to store in " Historical Records · six country chronological table ", the Warring States annual discipline have But " Historical Records · six country chronological table " with other table of contents discord of " Historical Records " , have scholar correct " Historical Records " with " discipline annual " sometimes, wade more for Three Jins , neat , swallow pedigree times, scarely have and Qin person, reason its lie in state of Qin in " whether discipline annual " historical data very few I analyze think it is foundation that discipline study every year , duke under an emperor of the Warring States , for state of Qin not to annual discipline have, state of Qin annual to have falsehood discipline have, must influence other kingdom result that discipline correct every year In view of this, I use , study literature study , astronomy , archaeology , paleography ,etc knowledge of discipline mourn to Qin common to further investigate to 17 state of Qin discipline of monarch , Emperor of beginning , every year, criticize of a text one by one to doubtful point its , make annual , correct annual falsehood , discipline of state of Qin , in the " Historical Records · six country chronological table " in batches In the course of missing in the school, I carry on science to annotate to the astronomical phenomena term recorded in the ancient book again at first, use accuracy higher astronomical phenomena demonstrate software have 9 solar eclipse and one lunar eclipse of historical records confirm respectively to the Warring States era, extrapolate and only solve solar eclipse six times , a lunar eclipse and Confucianism with solar eclipse three times of possibility and slightly go through date Based on this, synthesize the textual criticism of the literature to the relevant literature handed down from ancient times and study archaeology, the calendar key element that it is correct to be set off by, has obtained the solving bestly of time on the throne of past dynasties monarch in state of Qin of the Warring States era, can prepare against and study the history , repair the history to join the ancient bronze mirror
This text day, lunar eclipse and calendar calculate applying to annual accuracy , discipline of state of Qin , , era of the Warring States , make the annual method systematic, have not seen first in the literature work that the author knows, this method improved science and credibility herein greatly , its conclusion can be as further studying the annual and even whole foundation that study of the pre-Qin period of the Warring States' disciplines of other dukes under an emperor, scientific development studying in accuracy and history helping the historical discipline to be annual Keyword: <>; " the discipline is annual "; Solar eclipse; Dark on daytime ; Chuan Hsu goes through
如: FrankNorris与IrvingGordon应为:Norris,F&IGordon;
②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:MasteringEnglishLiterature, EnglishWeekly。
1、专著M ; 报纸N ;期刊J ;专利文献P;汇编G ;古籍O;技术标准S ;
2、学位论文D ;科技报告R;参考工具K ;检索工具W;档案B ;录音带A ;
4、乐谱I; **片Y;手稿H;微缩胶卷U ;幻灯片Z;微缩平片F;其他E。
册书 [cè shū] [册书]基本解释
《文选·班彪<王命论>》:“全宗祀于无穷,垂册书于春秋。” 李善 注引 张晏 曰:“册书,史记也。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·采撰》:“中世作者,其流日烦,虽国有册书,杀青不暇,而百家诸子,私存撰录,寸有所长,实广闻见。”
汉 潘勗 《册魏公九锡文》:“授君印绶册书。”《新唐书·百官志二》:“凡王言之制有七:一曰册书,立皇后、皇太子,封诸王,临轩册命则用之。” 明 徐师曾 《文体明辨·册》:“古者册书,施之臣下而已……其目凡十有一:一曰祝册,郊祀祭享用之;二曰玉册,上尊号用之;三曰立册,立帝、立后、立太子用之;四曰封册,封诸王用之;五曰哀册,迁梓宫及太子、诸大臣薨逝用之;六曰赠册,赠号、赠官用之;七曰谥册,上谥、赐谥用之;八曰赠谥册,赠官并赐谥用之;九曰祭册,赐大臣祭用之;十曰赐册,报赐臣下用之;十一曰免册,罢免大臣用之。”
《汉书·公孙弘传》:“书奏,天子以册书答。” 明 何景明 《醉歌赠子容使湖南》诗:“冠冕诸邦拱至尊,册书十道开天府。”
明 清 时向官府承包若干户钱粮的税吏。
《儒林外史》第二回:“ 王举人 道:‘ 顾二哥 是俺户下册书,又是拜盟的弟兄。’”
[册书]百科解释解释:1、册为策的时候,册书表示:1)策书,代指王命或英名。2)古代帝王用于册封(册立、封赠)的诏书。这种册也表示策。3)有时候也指一般的诏书。2、册为成册的时候,册书表示:书册,书籍。 更多→ 册书
[册书]相关词语 诰命 算命 测试 诸子 书院 书香 作文 君主 大写 篆书 书刊 古籍 [册书]相关搜寻 足字旁加一册书的册是什么字
本文2023-08-19 08:16:51发表“古籍资讯”栏目。