


The Benefits of Reading Ancient Books

China has a long history and culture Thousands of history have made a lots of famous writers and poets, and have spread the numerous classics

As Frances Bacon said,“ Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtile; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend Abeunt studia in morse ”"Knowledge is power“

When I was a child, I recited a lot of famous poems and books “Three-Character Classic”“ The Analects” etc clasic works be catchy when reading , and take us fresh and elegant feeling; also make an artistic conception and be memorable

After growing up, "A Dream in Red Mansions " “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms ”“Journey to the West” "Heroes of the Marshes" etc four famous novels take us a lot of interesting story

Ancient books have a multiple meanings and useful method, such as in military book "Master Sun's Art of War", many people from ancient to modern times use the method from the book

I like reading, like reading ancient books I like to play in the sea of books and to follow their ancestors footsteps, and understand the life true meaning!

典故出处:《 柏杨杂文集 · 浊世人间 》:「关于这些,我们既没有时间钻故纸堆,也没有能力钻故纸堆,我们只是提醒读者老爷,这种把一半中国人硬生生折丧成残废的文化,至少在中国已存在了一千年之久。」 成语 意思:故纸:指古籍。指一味钻研古籍而脱离现实。亦作「钻故纸」、「钻研故纸」。 成语注音:ㄗㄨㄢˋ ㄍㄨˋ ㄓㄧˇ ㄉㄨㄟ 通用拼音:zuan gu zhǐ duī 拼音简写:ZGZD 使用频率:常用成语 成语字数:四字成语 感 彩:贬义成语 成语用法:钻故纸堆,作谓语、宾语;指书呆子。 成语 结构 :动宾式成语 英语翻译 :bend over old books <bury oneself in outdated writtings> 成语谜语 :旧书虫 近义词:钻故纸、葄枕图史、钻研故纸 成语例句: 林斤澜 《禁》:「一年两次的文字狱,早已把读书人吓得只钻故纸堆,钻考据的牛角尖。」

专著   [zhuān zhù] [专著]基本解释




吕澄 《中国佛学源流略讲·序论》:“在 中国 佛教史研究方面,最早的是 境野黄洋 ,他陆续发表有《讲话》、《研究》、《精史》等一些专著。”


根据学术论文的长短,又可以分为单篇学术论文、系列学术论文和学术专著三种。一般而言,超过4—5万字的,可以称为学术专著。 更多→ 专著


monogragh; specialized publication; treatise

[专著]相关词语 著作 丛书 原著 书号 期刊 论著 书籍 课题 古籍 巨著
